Wednesday, November 6, 2013

Neill Luther
Blogger post
            One Native American by the name of Levi Horn had a dream to one day play in the NFL and become a role model in the Native American community.
   Levi Horn was born in the Northern Cheyenne- Montana Tribe and raised in Lame Deer located on the Northern Cheyenne Reservation. Living on a reservation is very hard. Most people that live on the reservation are very poor including Levi’s family. The reservation where he was from was the worst reservation because of the health care system that was in Lame deer in the area that Levi lived in. Levi knew that reservations were not a very good place to live in from experience, so he wanted to do something about it.
   Levi got recruited by the University of Oregon but left very fast because of playing time to the University of Montana near the reservation where he grew up. This was not common for many Native Americans to go to college. This was the start for Levi to become a role model for the Native American community.
   But Levi wanted to become more of an influence by doing something that almost no native American have done or are currently doing and that was to be part of the National Football League (NFL). Once he made his way into the NFL he knew that it was his chance to be able to make a difference.

   To make a difference in the native community, Levi went back to reservations to talk to kids about how it doesn’t matter if you are a Native American is that if you work hard then your capable of doing anything He also wanted to help the overall community because he knew that the conditions of reservations are so bad.

This was the most important site that I used for this project it gave me the most information that I could use for my project.  It gave me information about where he was from to his life in college to how he got to be in the NFL.
This site provided me with the information about Levi's home reservation.

This site gave me the an idea about what happened throughout his life to get to where he is today.

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